Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
20240604 150011
Recent Learning

Te Ra

Learning about our solar system inspires tamariki, ignites their imagination and encourages a long term fascination about our natural and physical world.

The tamariki have been showing an interest in, and learning all about our solar system, in particular the sun, te ra, the moon, te marama, and our stars, whetu.

We delved deeper into te ra, this amazing star, learning about what it is, why we have it, what it does, how hot it is, the shape of it and many more facts about this special part of our solar system.

Learning about our solar system inspires tamariki, ignites their imagination and encourages a long term fascination about our natural and physical world.

The tamariki had the opportunity to develop their creativity skills, taking time to paint their very own version of te ra. They used a fork and a paint brush to give their paintings/waituhi texture and structure.

So what did we learn?

Exploration / Mana Autūroa: tamariki become increasingly capable of making sense of their worlds by generating and refining working theories.

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