Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Kaiti 1
Recent Learning


Kaitiakitanga means guardianship and protection. It is a way of managing the environment, based on the Māori world view.

The tamariki have been learning about the treaty of Waitangi and then talking about what’s important to put into our own kindy treaty. One of the points discussed has been how we can take care of kindy, the environment and our ‘things’, this also led into a discussion about recycling and what we should do with rubbish. This coincided with Sea Week/Kaupapa Moana 2024. To begin with, the tamariki listened to a storybook outlining the damage done to our oceans by pollution. The tamariki were visibly shocked by some of the pictures of the kai moana and sea birds pictured stuck in nets and rubbish, and swimming through spilt petrol. A mat time discussion took place regarding what we/they could do to avoid this occurring (putting rubbish in the bin or taking it home).

It has been interesting to observe the tamariki role playing what they have learnt over the past few weeks in our afternoon programme. Today they were at the water trough with the sea animals and nets, helping save the animals and clear the rubbish that was floating in the “ocean”. The tamariki have created some crayon and dye pictures of clean beaches following on from learning about the importance of protection of our land as in the Te Tiriti o Waitangi. We have had discussions about the importance of being kaitiakitangi (caretakers of the world) and protecting our kindy environment, the environment in the community as well as places we like to go with our whānau such as the beach. The tamariki have been exploring their guardianship and care of the environment through caring for our garden and growing plants.

So what did we learn?

Well Being/Mana Atua-Children develop respect for rules about harming the environment and an understanding of the reasons for such rules.
Communication/Mana Reo - Tamariki experience an environment where they discover and develop different ways to be creative and expressive.

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