Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Pōhutukawa Kindergarten

Our Vision

Pōhutukawa Kindergarten is an environment where all akonga (learners) are valued as unique individuals. 
By developing respectful positive relationships, each tamariki and their whānau (family) experience a learning journey where they are supported through an engaging environment, with equitable opportunities to grow as confident, competent learners.
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Our Philosophy

We aim to ensure each child has a positive experience at Pōhutukawa Kindergarten, to feel acknowledged as an individual, supported as a learner, and enriched with skills and abilities to make a constructive contribution to society.

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We value and honour Te Tiriti ō Waitangi in all that we do.

Whānaungatanga (relationships) are vital, including kaiako-tamariki, tamariki–tamariki, kaiako–whānau, whānau-whānau. Solid relationships must be created so we can learn, teach, communicate, and grow.

Manākitanga (showing care and respect for each other) and kaitiakitanga (guardianship and care for the environment we learn and live in), guides our curriculum, and supports the programme we offer. We recognise and promote ranga whatumanawa (the development of social and emotional competence).

It is important that every child develops mana (authority and control) over their learning within each strand of Te Whāriki, so they are active participants in their learning journey. Kaiako (teachers) support this through acknowledging their taonga tukuiho (identity and uniqueness), interests, strengths, needs, and achievements including these in the learning planning and documentation.

We will support all children to reach their goals by meeting them wherever they are at, understanding their individuality, supporting their unique needs, and walking with them on their learning journey to grow to their full potential.

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