Pōhutukawa Kindergarten
Pōhutukawa Kindergarten

What to bring

Your child will be able to hang their bag on a hook upon arrival, with their specially made bag label. They will have access to their bag at all times including their drink bottle. You will also need to supply a packed morning tea in a named lunchbox. The best types have an attached lid and several compartments, so you don’t need to add extra packaging. We will support children to learn to use their lunchbox, so that in time they can feel success when they are independently managing their morning tea.

If you are staying for lunch you will also need to bring a piece of fruit to add to the basket, which we will serve on a fruit platter at lunch time. This is followed by the children creating their own sandwiches (bread and spreads supplied).

Kindy is a time for getting in and having a go, tamariki will get messy, wet and dirty so please bring appropriate clothes and several changes in their bag. A wet bag for putting in used clothes is very useful.

During winter months, a warm jacket and layers including vests can keep children warm whilst allowing them free movement. We are outside all year around. Summer months (Oct- April) tamariki must where a hat when playing outside and you are welcome to bring one that stays at kindy.

Please name all your belongings, we will do our best to return them to you, but you may need to look through the lost property from time to time.
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Once you have decided to enrol your child at Pōhutukawa Kindergarten, we will give you a pack that includes some information for your child with pictures of important places in the kindergarten and the friendly faces of the teachers. We suggest you visit at least twice with your child for approximately an hour or two to familiarise yourselves with teachers, kindy layouts and basic routines. If you, or we feel your child needs more visits, we will let you know.

Over the first few sessions of attending kindy, we will text and send you messages to let you know how they are getting on. If we feel that your child has had enough for that day, we may call you to collect a little earlier. Every child is different and some may take longer than others to settle, but we will be there right beside you.

Ready to start?


When the first day arrives, we suggest perhaps starting 15-30 mins into session, so that most children have been dropped off and are settled into activities, allowing a calm environment to come into. Help your child find their bag label and hang up their bag before settling into an activity with them. Once you have read a story or completed a puzzle together and its time to go, catch the eye of a teacher and let them know you are ready. If your child senses you trust us, they will too. Let them know you are going and will be back a little later, then say goodbye and leave.

We will always be in touch to let you know how things are going and you can ring us too. Often setting up a ritual can help with settling, two puzzles then Mummy goes, say goodbye to Daddy and wave at the window. Head outside to the playground and after 5 slides we say goodbye. A teacher will always be nearby to support your child.

Call or message us today
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Adapting to change

Even after a child has settled and been at kindy for many months or years, they can have times where the start of the day can be unsettled. This may be due to a change of routine at home, their friend is away from kindy on holiday, or there may be no reason at all. Talk to the teachers and together we will make a plan.

Ready to start?

We'd love to have your child join our Whānau.

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